20 Easy Ways to Make Money Quickly on the Internet - Part2

1. Work from Home Nurse – 

Recommended Site: Fonemed

This company, Fonemed, will only accept professionally registered nurses. Members are expected to provide triage and medical information over the phone.
It will be helpful if you also happen to be a Canada or U.S. resident as their clients are largely doctors and especially pediatricians based in North America.
Your job is to attend to the phones after office hours (so expect to work in the evenings, nights, weekends and public holidays).
Fonemed says a typical nurse can make $27 per hour.

2. Create Toolbars – 

Recommended Site: Conduit

Conduit encourages members to upload their newly designed toolbars. Whenever somebody downloads your customized toolbar, Conduit will pay you some form of commission.
You will stand to make more commissions if you are able to execute effective promotional drive on social media, to cajole or convince people to download your toolbar.

3. Re-write Poorly Written Ads –

 Recommended Site: eBay

Online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay are full of ads listing all sorts of merchandises. Pick on those big-ticket items like cars and study their ads.
If you are confident of improving their ads, write to them and propose that you will rewrite these ads at a fee.
The acceptable going rate now is 1% commission on sales.

4. Be a Mystery Shopper –

 Recommended Site: MysteryShop.org

Mystery shopping has been around for the longest time. It is a common practice for businesses to send out anonymous individuals to check out restaurants and outlets.
After all, the feedback gathered will serve the useful purpose of products and services improvement.
While there are many different takes on this practice, what is beyond doubt is that the ubiquitous nature of Internet has further expanded this industry.
Typically, mystery shoppers will be dispatched to do their shopping or dining out, and they are to report back their experience.
Subject to the sort of task assigned to you, the reward varies greatly in the range from $40 to $300. Naturally, the company involved will pick up the bill (only after you send to them) resulted from the corresponding assignment.
One nice thing is that you may be able to take ownership of the stuff that you are asked you to buy.

5. Sell Stock Photos –

 Recommended Site: Getty Images

If photography happens to be your thing and you are good in capturing that special moment, you can trade your skills and expertise with a number of stock photography sites. Basically what you do there is to upload the shots that you have taken.
Every time a user takes a fancy about your picture and download it, you will earn a commission on that image.
This moneymaking option is a slight departure from most of the stuff I mentioned here. It is special because it represents one of the few passive income options online.
Remember you just need to do the upload once, and your picture may just bring in the cash repeatedly. Of course, you’ll need to be good with your camera, and have that peculiar instinct to spot images that are going to appeal to the masses.

6. File Sharing – 

Recommended Site: DocStoc

Online sharing is not just restricted to photography. You can do the same thing with documents and files, as you do with images.
There are some sites that specialize in file sharing and it is entirely up to you as to what files you are willing to share. If your files are deemed useful enough and get downloaded, you will make some commission.
These sites do not specify the kind of format required to be associated to your files. But in order to broaden the appeal of your files, you may want to output your files in the most popular formats, like Microsoft Word or Acrobat PDF, for example.

7. Design T-Shirts – 

Recommended Site: CafePress

This will be attractive to entrepreneurs with creative mind and fashionable at the same time. You can do up your very own designs on T-shirts and have sites like CaféPress to help you sell them online.
The business model here is non-conventional, in a sense that you don’t have to put up any initial cash outlay. CaféPress will take care of stocking, printing, shipping, payment processing and returns on your behalf.
What is required of you is to sign up with them in the first place, unload your creativity and come up with amazingly cool designs. It is really going to be helpful if you know a thing or two about Internet marketing, so as to drive traffic to your page.
If you have always been cool in T-shirt designs, you can start imagining loads of cash coming your way pretty soon!

8. Flip Free Stuff for Cash – 

Recommended Site: Craigslist

No one in his or her right mind would argue against the popularity of Craigslist, and it is this immense popularity that we are targeting to find paid work opportunity.
Of course, you have to be proactive here, as no venture, no gain!
The most glaring opportunity is presented in the CL “free” section. You just have to go there and pick up the free items, which you will in turn sell them back for a neat profit.
To further illustrate my point: there will always be used items waiting to be discarded; they can be some old furniture like tables and chairs. The previous owners will be simply too happy that you are going to take them away without giving them a bill.
So, what will you do?…
Collect them, restore them and perhaps give them a new look. Now you have a collection of merchandise that can be sold for some real cash.

9. Take Part in Focus Groups – 

Recommended Site: 2020Research

There is not much difference between paid surveys and focus groups. So, if you can handle surveys, you can handle focus group.
One basic distinction between them is that focus group often calls for your physical presence. It is commonly held in major cities where participants congregate in some room or office.
You will join your fellow participants at the focus group, and the focus will be revolving around some issues related to some products or services.
The payout for focus group is relatively generous. Participants stand to make between $60 and $250, depending on whether it is an hourly engagement or whole day exercise.

10. Review Software – 

Recommended Site: SoftwareJudge

If you have a critical mind that is slanted toward software development, SoftwareJudge would not mind paying you for reviewing their collection of software.
The expectation is that you do your review diligently and be honest to report back on your observations and opinions.
The upside is that once trust is developed, you will get more opportunities to review software, thus progressively making more money.

11. Answer Questions –

 Recommended Site: Just Answer

Answer sites work on the premises that knowledge is not proprietary and they encourage their members to actively share their expert knowledge and understanding on subjects that they are familiar with.
Your job here is to explore which subject area can be interesting and, which you have intimate knowledge on.
By structuring your expertise into some form of answers or advises to people who would like to learn more about the subject, you will get paid.

12. Translate – 

Recommended Site: Proz.com

It is always helpful that you are comfortable in more than one language. If you are effectively bilingual (or even more), use this privilege to make some decent money.
There will always be a healthy demand from businesses and individuals to translate documents, files, conversations, and anything else that calls for a translator.

13. Create Viral Videos – 

Recommended Site: YouTube

More and more people are finally realizing that YouTube can be an excellent source of income generation rather than simply a web channel out to entertain.
If you always have a flair in making and editing video, and also pretty much in tune with the fashions and trends of the day, you can come up with some informative or entertaining videos.
By uploading your ideas on to YouTube, you are always assured of worldwide audience. The onus will be only on you on how to draw people to your videos. Suffice to say that the video content and quality are critical.
YouTube is always keen to get creative individuals to become partners. And if you are real good, you may want to think about setting up your own channels so that you can expect streams after streams of ads popping up on the videos that you will produce.

14. Join a Revenue Sharing Forum – 

Recommended Site: Webmasters.org

If it is just your nature to want to participate in online forums or you have been a member anyway in any forum, you can use this to great effect.
Watch out for “Ad Share” symbol in your user CP. This refers to a sharing program where forum owners would not mind share with their members the revenue they earn from ads that pop up in their forums.
In fact, increasingly more online forums are in two these “Ad Share” programs. You have so far chosen to be busy at the forum, why not trade your time with some real money that you can spend.

15. Provide Customer Service – 

Recommended Site: Alpine Access

Outsourcing is all the rage among national retailers nowadays. The business function that they normally contract out is their customer service operation.
There are some great outsourcing companies that specialize in this field, with Alpine Access and Working Solutions being the two most prominent service providers in the industry.
These companies are not dependent on an army of staff on their payroll to fulfill their obligations. Instead, they often turn to part-timers or home-based workers to carry out the work.
These outside representatives usually have to commit to 20 to 40 hours workweek, and the responsibility includes taking calls for large and small companies.
The compensation goes by the hour and the average rate is about $9. However, it is not uncommon for agents to make as much as $13 in an hour when you factor in the bonuses and incentives. For project-based job, it can be up to $30 for an hour.

16. Paid Forum Posting – 

Recommended Site: CashChat

The reason online forums are mushrooming is because they are a great money-spinner. But it is during the early stage that new forum builders will have to struggle, as they find means and ways to attract new members. But they are well aware of the Golden rule that governs all great online forum sites; the need to appear busy.
Fact is that it is hard to get people to join a new forum. This is the reason why some people in this business pay you money to join their forums.
Your participation in any new thread and post will be rewarded. Based on industry average, I think $0.25 is just about fair price for every posting you make.

17. Test Mobile Apps –

 Recommended Site: uTest

You may have decided early that application development for smartphone may not be for you. But there is still a part to play in this related field — mobile app testing — while getting paid to do the job.
The better-paid testing jobs are often associated to iPhone apps, so you may want to pay more attention in this area.
For your willingness and effort to spend time testing and discovering bugs on iPhone apps, you can be rewarded with some nice cash.
uTest is one such company that contract part-time testers for this purpose. It is not exactly a dead end job; as testers who excelled in this particular field have gone on to build a solid career in this industry.

18. Be a Game Tester – 

Recommended Site: Nintendo.com

If you enjoy games, this opportunity to become a paid game tester can be both exciting and rewarding. But for this exact same reason, a lot of crooks have entered this industry to take advantage of the excitement in the market.
Indeed, the amount of scams is ridiculous in recent times. You have to be discriminating enough to be sure that the company you are eying for is a full legit company; otherwise you could have been easily taken on for a ride.
I don’t mean to scare you on my experience, but so far the only legit opportunity I was able to spot was on the Nintendo’s official site that I linked to above. So, be careful if you go with any other site.

19. Become a Virtual Assistant – 

Recommended Site: Elance

One interesting outcome of the proliferation of Internet is the emergence of many online businesses. The trend is set to continue for the foreseeable future, and naturally these emerging online businesses will need virtual help.
There are many online gigs available. You can help to conduct research, finding things, taking phone calls, or simply doing some mundane stuff that this new breed of online business owners just can’t be bothered with.
Alternatively, you can focus on the forums meant for webmasters, or online business owners, so as to sniff out any decent opportunity.
Perhaps the simplest option is to announce your availability through a classified ad. The way I see it, the need for virtual assistant is not going to die down anytime soon. So, we are talking about a mid-to long-term job proposition (even though you may change or have many employers throughout this period).

20. Micro-Freelance – 

Recommended Site: Amazon Mechanical Turk

Certainly no one can claim to be bigger than Amazon Mechanical Turk, as far as micro-freelancing sites are concerned.
Mind you, its business model is not really earth shattering as it involves facilitating millions of part-time workers to some casual jobs available, jobs that cannot be performed by computers or machines.
This category of jobs may include quirky stuff like becoming a fan of somebody’s Facebook account, or following people on twitter. Just the same, there are also some conventional jobs such as rework a text, separate out text from pictures, transcribe an audio interview, differentiate between two seemingly identical pictures and many more.
However, the nature of these jobs tends to be short term and can get completed real quick, so don’t expect a consistent stream of income.
In other words, these are designed to supplement your day job, not replace it. But if you do have some time in your hand, it can be an interesting way to make some extra pocket money (do take note that payment is made to PayPal accounts strictly).